Business Property Risks In Winter

Frozen Pipe

Winter weather creates additional risks with potential financial impacts on your business property. Consider a few weather-related issues that can arise thanks to good ‘ole Jack Frost and suggestions to mitigate risk. Protect Pipes From Freezing Frozen pipes are common…

Mel Foster Insurance Earns RISE Status

Mel Foster Insurance & Westfield logos

January 27, 2021 – Marc Engels, President of Mel Foster Insurance is pleased to announce the agency earned Westfield RISE status by demonstrating a proven commitment to customers and long-term success, as well as superior performance industry wide.  This is a…

Lower Your Energy Bills

Lower your energy bills

Save money on your energy bills by making a few adjustments to your normal routines at home. Even small efforts to change your habits can result in big savings, both today and for the long term too. Change Your Furnace…

Mel Foster Insurance Response to COVID-19

Mel Foster Insurance Response to COVID-19

As the COVID-19 public health emergency evolves, supporting our employees, customers, and communities remains our primary focus. We are taking action to limit person-to-person contact among our staff and customers beginning March 20, 2020 by closing our office lobby to…

Coronavirus and Business Income Losses

woman at work not feeling well

COVID-19, better known as the Coronavirus, originated in Wuhan, China. Latest theories point to bats and snakes as the origination points of the virus. Bats with a strain of the virus were hunted and eaten by snakes. The snakes were…